Programming Languages Suite
Borland C++ V5.02
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535 lines
// BRIEF Editor Keymap file.
// $Revision: 1.47 $
// The format for KBD files is as follows:
// The [Assigments:Keyboard] section is used to
// perform assignments to the specified subsystem.
// Possible subsystems may be found in the documnetation
// under KeyboardManager.GetKeyboard(...).
// Each line represents one assignment and has the
// following format:
// KeyDescription |:| KeyCommand [|:| KeyFlag [|:| Comment]]
// The delimiter is needed to clearly deliniate each
// column. A position value could not be used since
// some key descriptions may go beyond any selected
// value. Spaces could not be used since some key
// commands may include them. If the |:| needs to be
// used in a command then the key must be assigned to
// another macro which can use the delimiter without
// invalidating this file. If a comment is needed, but not a
// Keyflag then both delimiters must still be present.
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-b> |:|IDE.EditBufferList(); |:| |:|Edit|Buffer list, display a list of open files
<Alt-Down> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(DOWN); |:| |:|Moves to the pane below the current pane
<Alt-e> |:|IDE.FileOpen(); |:| |:|Open file into current buffer
<Alt-F2> |:|editor.BriefZoomPaneToggle(); |:| |:|Zoom current pane
<Alt-F5> |:|IDE.DebugInspect(); |:| |:|Inspect command - Debug|Inspect
<Alt-F9> |:|IDE.SpeedMenu(); |:| |:|SpeedMenu
<Alt-F10> |:|IDE.SpeedMenu(); |:| |:|SpeedMenu
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpContents(); |:| |:|Display table of contents for help system
<Alt-Left> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(LEFT); |:| |:|Moves to the pane on the left of the current pane
<Alt-o> |:|IDE.FileSaveAs(); |:| |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Save as Text
<Alt-p> |:|IDE.FilePrint(); |:| |:|Print command - File|Print
<Alt-Right> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(RIGHT); |:| |:|Moves to the pane on the right of the current pane
<Alt-u> |:|IDE.EditUndo(); |:| |:|Undo command - Edit|Undo
<Alt-Up> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(UP); |:| |:|Moves to the pane above the current pane
<Alt-v> |:|IDE.ShowVersion(); |:| |:|Display Borland C++ version on status line
<Alt-w> |:|IDE.FileSave(); |:| |:|Save command - File|Save
<Alt-x> |:|IDE.FileClose(); |:| |:|Close the active window
<Ctrl-F1> |:|IDE.KeywordHelp(); |:| |:|Keyword search command - Help|Keyword search
<Ctrl-F2> |:|debugger.ToggleBreakpoint(); |:| |:|Toggle Breakpoint command - Toggle breakpoint (Edit window SpeedMenu)
<Ctrl-F7> |:|IDE.DebugStatementStepInto(); |:| |:|Statement step into command
<Ctrl-F8> |:|IDE.DebugStatementStepOver(); |:| |:|Statement step over command
<Ctrl-F9> |:|IDE.DebugAnimate(); |:| |:|Animate current target in debugger
<Ctrl-u> |:|IDE.EditRedo(); |:| |:|Redo command - Edit|Redo
<Ctrl-n> |:|IDE.SearchNextMessage(); |:| |:|Next message command - Search|Next message
<Ctrl-p> |:|IDE.SearchPreviousMessage(); |:| |:|Previous message command - Search|Previous message
<F1><Down> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(DOWN); |:| |:|Moves to the pane below the current pane
<F1><Left> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(LEFT); |:| |:|Moves to the pane on the left of the current pane
<F1><Right> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(RIGHT); |:| |:|Moves to the pane on the right of the current pane
<F1><Up> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(UP); |:| |:|Moves to the pane above the current pane
<F2><Down> |:|IDE.ViewSlide(DOWN); |:| |:|Moves the pane splitter bar below the current pane
<F2><Left> |:|IDE.ViewSlide(LEFT); |:| |:|Moves the pane splitter bar to the left of the current pane
<F2><Right> |:|IDE.ViewSlide(RIGHT); |:| |:|Moves the pane splitter bar to the right of the current pane
<F2><Up> |:|IDE.ViewSlide(UP); |:| |:|Moves the pane splitter bar above the current pane
<F4> |:|debugger.RunToCurrent(); |:| |:|Disassembly pane - Run to Current
<F5> |:|IDE.SearchFind(); |:| |:|Find command - Search|Find
<F6> |:|IDE.SearchReplace(); |:| |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
<F7> |:|IDE.ToggleKeystrokeRecording(); |:| |:|Record a key macro
<F8> |:|IDE.PlaybackKeystrokeRecording();|:| |:|Playback a key macro
<F9> |:|load_macro(); |:| |:|Load macro
<F10> |:|IDE.ScriptRun(); |:| |:|Run command - Script|Run command
<Keypad-Plus> |:|IDE.EditCopy(); |:| |:|Copy command - Edit|Copy
<Keypad-Minus> |:|IDE.EditCut(); |:| |:|Cut command - Edit|Cut
<Shift-Down> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(DOWN); |:| |:|Moves to the pane below the current pane
<Shift-F2> |:|IDE.DebugEvaluate(); |:| |:|Evaluate command - Debug|Evaluate
<Shift-F3> |:|IDE.DebugAddWatch(); |:| |:|Add watch command - Debug|Add watch
<Shift-F7> |:|debugger.InstructionStepInto(); |:| |:|InstructionStepInto - Executes the next instruction, stepping into functions
<Shift-F8> |:|debugger.InstructionStepOver(); |:| |:|InstructionStepOver - Executes the next instruction, running any functions
<Shift-F5> |:|IDE.SearchSearchAgain(); |:| |:|Search again command - Search|Search again
<Shift-F9> |:|unload_macro(); |:| |:|Unload macro
<Shift-Left> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(LEFT); |:| |:|Moves to the pane on the left of the current pane
<Shift-Right> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(RIGHT); |:| |:|Moves to the pane on the right of the current pane
<Shift-Up> |:|IDE.ViewActivate(UP); |:| |:|Moves to the pane above the current pane
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-0> |:|editor.SetBookmark(0); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 0
<Alt-1> |:|editor.SetBookmark(1); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 1
<Alt-2> |:|editor.SetBookmark(2); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 2
<Alt-3> |:|editor.SetBookmark(3); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 3
<Alt-4> |:|editor.SetBookmark(4); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 4
<Alt-5> |:|editor.SetBookmark(5); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 5
<Alt-6> |:|editor.SetBookmark(6); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 6
<Alt-7> |:|editor.SetBookmark(7); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 7
<Alt-8> |:|editor.SetBookmark(8); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 8
<Alt-9> |:|editor.SetBookmark(9); |:| |:|Sets bookmark 9
<Alt-Backspace> |:|editor.BriefDeleteWord(); |:| |:|Deletes the word to the right of the cursor
<Alt-Keypad-Minus>|:|editor.PreviousBuffer(); |:| |:|Replaces current buffer with the previous buffer from the buffer list
<Alt-a> |:|ToggleBlockStyle(EXCLUSIVE_BLOCK); |:| |:|Sets block mode to non-inclusive block
<Alt-c> |:|ToggleBlockStyle(COLUMN_BLOCK); |:| |:|Sets block mode to column block
<Alt-d> |:|editor.ModalDeleteLine(); |:| |:|Deletes a line
<Alt-e> |:|editor.BriefEditFile(); |:| |:|Open file into current buffer
<Alt-F3> |:|debugger.InspectCurrent(); |:| |:|Inspect command - Inspect (Edit window SpeedMenu)
<Alt-F5> |:|editor.BriefSearch(); |:| |:|Find command - Search|Find
<Alt-F6> |:|editor.BriefSearch(true); |:| |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
<Alt-F10> |:|IDE.ProjectCompile(); |:| |:|Compile command - Project|Compile
<Alt-g> |:|editor.ModalMoveToLine(); |:| |:|Go to Line command - Go to line (Edit window SpeedMenu)
<Alt-i> |:|editor.ToggleInsertMode(); |:| |:|Toggle insert mode on/off
<Alt-j> |:|editor.GotoBookmark(); |:| |:|Go to bookmark
<Alt-k> |:|editor.DeleteToEOL(); |:| |:|Delete from cursor to the end of the line
<Alt-l> |:|ToggleBlockStyle(LINE_BLOCK); |:| |:|Sets block mode to line block
<Alt-m> |:|ToggleBlockStyle(INCLUSIVE_BLOCK); |:| |:|Sets block mode to inclusive block
<Alt-n> |:|editor.NextBuffer(); |:| |:|Replaces current buffer with the next buffer from the buffer list
<Alt-q> |:|editor.InsertLiteralKeyNext(); |:| |:|Causes the next character to be interpreted as an ASCII sequence
<Alt-r> |:|editor.ReadFileIntoBuffer(); |:| |:|Reads a block from a file
<Alt-s> |:|editor.BriefSearch(); |:| |:|Find command - Search|Find
<Alt-t> |:|editor.BriefSearch(true); |:| |:|Replace command - Search|Replace
<Backspace> |:|editor.BriefBackspace(); |:| |:|Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
<Ctrl-Minus> |:|editor.DeleteBuffer(); |:| |:|Remove the selected buffer from memory
<Ctrl-b> |:|editor.MoveLineViewBottom(); |:| |:|Move current line to the bottom of the window
<Ctrl-Backspace> |:|editor.BriefDeleteWord(true); |:| |:|Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
<Ctrl-c> |:|editor.MoveLineViewCenter(); |:| |:|Move current line to the center of the window
<Ctrl-d> |:|editor.ModalScroll(-1); |:| |:|Move current line up one
<Ctrl-e> |:|editor.ModalScroll(1); |:| |:|Move current line down one
<Ctrl-End> |:|editor.ModalMoveViewBottom(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the bottom of the window retaining column position
<Ctrl-Enter> |:|editor.BriefOpenLine(); |:| |:|Inserts a new line
<Ctrl-F5> |:|editor.ToggleSearchCase(); |:| |:|Toggle search case sensitivity
<Ctrl-F6> |:|editor.ToggleRegularExpression();|:| |:|Toggle Regular expression search
<Ctrl-Home> |:|editor.ModalMoveViewTop(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the top of the window retaining column position
<Ctrl-k> |:|editor.DeleteToBOL(); |:| |:|Delete from cursor to the beginning of the line
<Ctrl-Left> |:|editor.BriefBackwardWord(); |:| |:|Moves one word left
<Ctrl-PageUp> |:|editor.ModalMoveBOF(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the file
<Ctrl-PageDown> |:|editor.ModalMoveEOF(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the file
<Ctrl-Q><[> |:|editor.MoveCursorToMate(SEARCH_FORWARD); |:| |:|Finds the matching delimiter (forward)
<Ctrl-Q><]> |:|editor.MoveCursorToMate(SEARCH_BACKWARD); |:| |:|Finds the matching delimiter (backward)
<Ctrl-Right> |:|editor.BriefForwardWord(); |:| |:|Moves one word right
<Ctrl-s> |:|editor.IncrementalSearch(); |:| |:|Incremental search
<Ctrl-t> |:|editor.MoveLineViewTop(); |:| |:|Move current line to the top of the window
<Ctrl-w> |:|editor.ToggleCreateBackup(); |:| |:|Toggles Create Backup file
<Ctrl-x> |:|editor.SaveAllAndExit(); |:| |:|Save all files and exit
<Ctrl-z> |:|editor.ToggleWindowState(); |:| |:|Zoom/Unzoom window
<Down> |:|editor.ModalMoveRelative(1,0); |:| |:|Move cursor down one line in the window
<Delete> |:|IDE.EditClear(); |:| |:|Clear command - Edit|Clear
<End> |:|editor.ModalEnd(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the line, window, file
<Escape> |:|; |:| |:|
<F3> |:|editor.BriefCreateView(); |:| |:|Create pane
<F4><Down> |:|editor.DeleteView(DOWN); |:| |:|Deletes the pane below the current pane
<F4><Left> |:|editor.DeleteView(LEFT); |:| |:|Deletes the pane to the left of the current pane
<F4><Right> |:|editor.DeleteView(RIGHT); |:| |:|Deletes the pane to the right of the current pane
<F4><Up> |:|editor.DeleteView(UP); |:| |:|Deletes the pane above the current pane
<F7> |:|IDE.BriefKeystrokeRecording(); |:| |:|Record a key macro
<Home> |:|editor.ModalHome(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the line, window, file
<Insert> |:|IDE.EditPaste(); |:| |:|Paste command - Edit|Paste
<Keypad-*> |:|editor.Undo(); |:| |:|Undo command - Edit|Undo
<Left> |:|editor.ModalMoveRelative(0,-1); |:| |:|Move cursor one character to the left
<PageUp> |:|editor.ModalPageUp(); |:| |:|Move cursor up one screen
<PageDown> |:|editor.ModalPageDown(); |:| |:|Move cursor down one screen
<Right> |:|editor.ModalMoveRelative(0,1); |:| |:|Move cursor one character to the right
<Shift-F2> |:|IDE.DebugEvaluate(); |:| |:|Evaluate command - Debug|Evaluate
<Shift-F3> |:|debugger.WatchCurrent(); |:| |:|Add watch command - Debug|Add watch
<Shift-Backspace> |:|editor.BriefBackspace(); |:| |:|Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
<Shift-End> |:|editor.ModalEnd(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the line, window, file
<Shift-F6> |:|editor.BriefReplaceAgain(); |:| |:|Repeat last Search|Replace
<Shift-Home> |:|editor.ModalHome(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the line, window, file
<Shift-Tab> |:|editor.BriefSmartBackTab(); |:| |:|Move backwards through tabs
<Enter> |:|editor.TopView.Position.InsertCharacter('\r'); |:| |:|Inserts a carriage return
<Tab> |:|editor.BriefSmartTab(); |:| |:|Inserts a smart tab
<Up> |:|editor.ModalMoveRelative(-1,0); |:| |:|Move cursor up one line in the window
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Ctrl-a> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Disassembly pane - Go to Address; Dump pane, Stack pane - Display As
<Ctrl-b> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Disassembly pane - Toggle Breakpoint; Dump/Stack pane - Display As byte
<Ctrl-c> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Registers pane - Change Register
<Ctrl-d> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Registers pane - Decrement Register; Dump/Stack pane - Display As double
<Ctrl-i> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Registers pane - Increment Register
<Ctrl-f> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Stack pane - Go to Top Frame; Dump/Stack pane - Display As floats
<Ctrl-g> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Dump pane, Stack pane - Go to Address
<Ctrl-l> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Dump pane, Stack pane - Display As longs
<Ctrl-Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Shift the starting point of the display up one byte
<Ctrl-n> |:|debugger.SetEIPToSelected(); |:| |:|Disassembly pane - Sets the highlighted address as the eip
<Ctrl-w> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Dump pane, Stack pane - Display As words
<Ctrl-o> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Registers pane - Show Old Registers, toggles between old and current register
<Ctrl-p> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Disassembly pane - Go to Current PC
<Ctrl-r> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Disassembly pane - Run to Current
<Ctrl-Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Shift the starting point of the display down one byte
<Ctrl-s> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Disassembly - Go to Source; Stack - Top Stack; Registers - Show Old Registers
<Ctrl-t> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|All panes - Change Thread
<Ctrl-z> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Registers pane - Zero Register
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
<F2> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Disassembly pane - Toggle Breakpoint
<F5> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Disassembly pane - Toggle Breakpoint
<F7> |:|debugger.InstructionStepInto(); |:| |:|InstructionStepInto - Executes the next instruction, stepping into functions
<F8> |:|debugger.InstructionStepOver(); |:| |:|InstructionStepOver - Executes the next instruction, running any functions
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the left
<Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Registers pane - Decrement Register
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down one line
<PageUp> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up one screen
<PageDown> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down one screen
<Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Registers pane - Increment Register
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the left
<Up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up one line
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView();
<Ctrl-a> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Delete All
<Ctrl-p> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Precious Toggle
<Ctrl-v> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Save as Text
<Delete> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Delete
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down one line
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - Edit
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
<F1> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
<Space> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|SpeedMenus - Message Window - View
<Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Expand the current entry
<Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse the current entry
<Up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up one line
<Keypad-Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Expand the current entry
<Keypad-Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse the current entry
<Keypad-*> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Expand all entries
<Keypad-/> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse all entries
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Ctrl-a> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Watches window - Add Watch
<Ctrl-e> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Watches window - Edit Watch
<Ctrl-r> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Watches window - Remove Watch(es)
<Delete> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Watches window - Disable Watch(es)
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Watches window - Edit Watch
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Insert> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Watches window - Add Watch
<Space> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Watch window - Disable/Enable Watch(es)
<PageUp> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
<PageDown> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
<Up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor left
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor right
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor home
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor end
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Ctrl-a> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Add Breakpoint
<Ctrl-d> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Selects the Address tab
<Ctrl-e> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Edit Breakpoint
<Ctrl-g> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Selects the CodeGuard tab
<Ctrl-i> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|View Source
<Ctrl-m> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Selects the Module tab
<Ctrl-o> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Edit Source
<Ctrl-r> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Remove Breakpoint
<Ctrl-s> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Selects the Source tab
<Ctrl-t> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Selects the Thread tab
<Ctrl-w> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Selects the Data Watch tab
<Ctrl-x> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Selects the OS Exception tab
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Edit Breakpoint
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Space> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Enable/Disable Breakpoint
<Delete> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Remove Breakpoint
<Insert> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Add Breakpoint
<PageUp> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
<PageDown> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
<Up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor left
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor right
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor home
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor end
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Opens the Call Stack window
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
[Assignments:Call Stack]
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Ctrl-e> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Edit source at current location
<Ctrl-i> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|View source at current location
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Edit source at current location
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<PageUp> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the window
<PageDown> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the window
<Up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor left
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor right
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor home
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor end
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Ctrl-i> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Opens a new Inspector window on the data element you have
<Ctrl-r> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Lets you specify how many data elements you want to view
<Ctrl-n> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Lets you inspect a new expression
<Ctrl-c> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Lets you assign a new value to a data item
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Opens a new Inspector window on the data element you have
<Tab> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Switches panes
<Escape> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Closes the Inspector window
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Ctrl-e> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Evaluate the expression
<Ctrl-m> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Set the expression to the new value
<Ctrl-c> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Close this view
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Ctrl-v> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Evaluate the expression
<Ctrl-l> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Close this view
<Ctrl-x> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-F9> |:|IDE.SpeedMenu(); |:| |:|SpeedMenu
<Alt-Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Demote a node
<Alt-Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Promote a node
<Alt-Up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move node up
<Alt-Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move node down
<Delete> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Delete a node
<Insert> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Add a node
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down a node
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Default action for node
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to bottom of the tree
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to beginning of the tree
<Space> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse/Expand a node
<Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Expand a node
<Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse a node
<Up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up a node
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Space> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse/Expand current entry
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Activate the edit pane
<Keypad-Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Expand current entry
<Keypad-Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse current entry
<Keypad-*> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Expand all entries
<Keypad-/> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse all entries
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to beginning of pane
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to bottom of pane
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<PageUp> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up one screen
<PageDown> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down one screen
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Alt-F10> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|SpeedMenu
<Delete> |:|IDE.EditClear(); |:| |:|Delete a node
<Ctrl-Delete> |:|IDE.EditClear(); |:| |:|Delete a node
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Scrolls pane right
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Scrolls pane left
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Moves selection bar up one line
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Moves selection bar down one line
<Keypad-/> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Expand all entries
<Keypad-*> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse all entries
<Keypad-Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Collapse current entry
<Keypad-Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Expand current entry
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Alt-F9> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Insert> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Delete> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the beginning of the line
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor to the end of the line
<PageUp> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up one screen
<PageDown> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down one screen
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor one character to the right
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor one character to the left
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor up one line
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Move cursor down one line
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Ctrl-i> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Zoom in, zooms the entire image in the currently selected window
<Ctrl-o> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Zoom out, zooms out the entire image in the currently selected window
<Ctrl-a> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Actual size, returns a zoomed image to its actual size
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Ctrl-i> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Zoom in, zooms the entire image in the currently selected window
<Ctrl-o> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Zoom out, zooms out the entire image in the currently selected window
<Ctrl-a> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Actual size, returns a zoomed image to its actual size
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Ctrl-i> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Zoom in, zooms the entire image in the currently selected window
<Ctrl-o> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Zoom out, zooms out the entire image in the currently selected window
<Ctrl-a> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|Actual size, returns a zoomed image to its actual size
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Backspace> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<End> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Escape> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Delete> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Insert> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|New Menuitem, inserts a new menu item above the selected item
<Enter> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Tab> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-/> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-*> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Ctrl-p> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|New Popup, inserts a new pop-up menu above the selected item
<Ctrl-s> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|New Separator, inserts a new separator above the selected item
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Home> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Delete> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Insert> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-/> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-*> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
// Key |:|Command |:|Flags |:|Comment
//--------------- ----------------------------------- -------- ----------
<Alt-h> |:|IDE.HelpView(); |:| |:|Help
<Right> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Left> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<up> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Down> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-/> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-*> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-Minus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|
<Keypad-Plus> |:|WiredMethod(); |:| |:|